Events held at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds
475 South Main • Spanish Fork • Utah

Copyright 2025 Utah County Fair Corporation • All Rights Reserved • a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization

Proud Sponsor of the 2025 Utah County Fair

Fair Animals

Jr Livestock Show

Open Horse Show

Open Ranch Versatility Horse Show

Interactive Agriculture Experience

4H Dog Show

Jr Livestock Show

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2024 premium book coming soon

The family that shows together, grows together.
The Utah Junior Livestock Association is dedicated to helping youth in Utah 4-H and FFA programs promote and gain mastery in animal project areas. With several state association shows, youth can go beyond their county borders and build life long friendships, develop valuable life skills, and immerse themselves in animal agriculture.

Exhibitors are encouraged to participate in the complete educational opportunity that junior livestock shows provide, such as the rate of gain, carcass, fitting and showing, record book, and livestock judging contests along with the judging of market and breeding animals. It is the purpose of these projects to develop life skills and animal husbandry and marketing skills among the participants.

Interactive Agriculture Experience

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Come meet some barnyard animals at the Utah County Fair Interactive Agriculture Experience!

Fun for the whole family, fairgoers can interact with all their furry and feathered friends such as goats, chickens, steers and pheasants.

This is an exhibit ideal for lovers of all things furry, fuzzy and feathery.

Be sure to stop by to enjoy the animals!

Open Horse Show

Buckles awarded for high point in each division Sponsored by

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Event Date & Time:
 • Saturday July 27th, 2024
 • Large Indoor Arena
 • Registration at 8:00 AM
 • Show starts at 9:00 am


 • $10 registration fee per class
     Registor and Pay on Site Day of Event
    (Cash and Check Only)

 •  Stall reservations $25 per day
     Reserver and pay for Stalls HERE

        For additional information,
        call Trudy at 801-830-3849


Stallions - 3 & Under, 4 & Over, Grand & Reserve
Geldings - 3 & Under, 4 & Over, Grand & Reserve
Mares - 3 & Under, 4 & Over, Grand & Reserve
Best In Show - All Grand & Reserve
   **Halter Does Not Count Toward High Point**

1. Showmanship 8 & Under
2. Showmanship 9 to 13
3. Showmanship 14 to 18
4. Showmanship Adult
5. Showmanship Sr. Adult 55+
6. Showmanship Jr. Horse 5 & Under
7. Longeline - Horses 3 and Under
   (Cannot cross enter saddle events)

8. Western Pleasure Walk Trot 8 & Under
9. Western Pleasure 9 to 13
10. Western Pleasure 14 to 18
11. Western Pleasure Adult
12. Western Pleasure Sr. Adult 55+
13. Western Pleasure Jr. Horse 5 & Under


Lead Line

14. Discipline On The Rail 9 to 13
15. Discipline On The Rail 14 to 18
16. Discipline On The Rail Adult
17. Discipline On The Rail Sr. Adult 55+
18. Discipline On The Rail Jr. Horse 5 & Under

19. Reining 8 & Under
20. Reining 9 to 13
21. Reining 14 to 18
22. Reining Adult
23. Reining Sr. Adult 55+
24. Reining Jr. Horse 5 & Under

30 minute tack change break

25. “Gotta Cut Loose” Freestyle Reining
       Choose ANY song from the Footloose soundtrack
         (Does not count towards high point)

26. Poles 8 & Under
27. Poles 9 to 13
28. Poles 14 to 18
29. Poles Sr. Adult 55+
30. Poles Jr. Horse 5 & Under

31. Barrels 8 & Under
32. Barrels 9 to 13
33. Barrels 14 to 18
34. Barrels Adult
35. Barrels Sr. Adult 55+
36. Barrels Jr. Horse 5 & Under

Jackpot Tandem Barrels $20 per team
  Winners Takes All!
  (Bring your own pantyhose)

Buckles awarded for high point in each division

Open Ranch Versatility
Horse Show

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Event Date & Time:
 • Thursday August 3th, 2024
 • Large Indoor Arena
 • Sign up at 4:00 pm
 • Show starts at 5:00 pm

Events include:
 • Ranch Pleasure
 • Ranch Trail
 • Ranch Riding
 • Ranch Reining

Class divisions are:
 • Youth (17 and under)
 • Novice
 • Open

Cost is $10 per class - prizes for the top 3 finishers.

Ranch Pleasure - One of the fastest-growing classes in the show arena is ranch pleasure. This event is designed to show off the movement, versatility, and attitude of the working ranch-style horse presented in a natural, forward-moving style that looks as if he has somewhere to go.

Just about any horse and rider can compete in ranch pleasure as long as they have these basics already in place: ability to move off the rider's leg and rein, and ability to lope off in the correct lead.

Ranch Trail - Obstacles found in a ranch trail pattern are approximate to those found during the course of everyday work. Judges are looking for a well-trained, responsive and well-mannered horse that can correctly navigate and negotiate the course, and to do so in a correct and efficient manner.

Ranch Riding - In the ranch riding class, judges are looking for relaxed, responsive horses with soft and cadenced gaits. The horse should make timely transitions in a smooth and correct manner, plus the horse should be soft in the bridle and yield to contact.

Ranch Reining - Ranch reining measures the ability of the stock horse to perform basic handling maneuvers. To rein a horse is not only to guide the horse but also to control the horse's every movement. The best reined horse should be willingly guided or controlled with little or no apparent resistance and dictated to completely.